What can I do online?

From targeted emails to booking prime advertising space, find out what your options are to increase your online presence.

Send a targeted email

We understand that employers who recruit for specific skills may want to target specific cohorts of students. We have a targeted emailing service which allows you to target specific groups of students.

The cost for our targeted emailing service is £45 + VAT per subject area, per year group. The maximum number of selections is 15 for a paid targeted email and 5 for a free targeted email. On the form, subject areas are split up by College and also have subtext to further explain the types of degrees offered within each School. You can see an example of this below.

Book a targeted email

Targeted Email General Info (175.03 KB / DOCX)

To send a targeted email to a select group of students simply:

  1. Upload your opportunity or event to MyCareerHub.
  2. Write a clear, concise email, maximum of 500 words, remember to include a subject line and save this as a word document
  3. Complete a targeted email booking form: - Provide your contact details - Select your target discipline(s) - which subject areas you wish to target - Within the chosen discipline(s), select your target level (year of study) -

Top Tips:

  • Add any further comments about your target groups on the booking form
  • Upload your email wording as a word document
  • If you would like to include a picture or a logo, do not forget to include it on your booking form
  • Specify the date that you would prefer the email to be sent (Please note - We will aim to send your email out within 3 working days or on the date you have selected)
  • Provide your billing information on the booking form

On receipt of your form, we will check your opportunity or event is on MyCareerHub, identify your target students, collate the email and send it out within three working days of your preferred date. Following the sending of your email you will be sent an invoice or online payment instruction.

Book Prime Advertising Space

Each year we advertise hundreds of events and thousands of jobs on MyCareerHub. To help you stand out from the rest you can book prime advertising space. We are able to offer the chance to have online advertisement space on the homepage of our vacancy and events portal, MyCareerHub.

Let us know which opportunity / event you are looking to promote and we will advertise this for 1 week on our MyCareerHub homepage.


£75+ VAT for 1 week

Terms & conditions

  • Your advert will be displayed for one week, Monday (am) - Monday (am)
  • You cannot book two consecutive weeks
  • You cannot add attachments or flyers to the advert
  • Recruitment agencies must name their client

Book Prime Advertising Space

Get involved with events we are running

Before you commit to running your own online event, find out if we have an opportunity for you to get involved with an online element of one of our Fairs or Flagship events.  These high profile events and wider campaigns shine a light on particular topics and sectors that are of interest to a wide range of our students and graduates.  Our highest volume campaigns will focus on Careers in Sustainability in November, Careers in Tech & Data in February and Creative & Cultural Careers in March.  

We also have opportunities for organisations offering vocational opportunities to engage with students in our School of Engineering and School of (Scots) Law. 

We also look for employers to support ad-hoc sessions we are running on a variety of other topics.  In the past this has included topics such as Careers in Life Sciences, Careers in Patent work, Careers in Consultancy and Practising Virtual Assessment Centres.  Whenever we have openings for support with upcoming sessions we list them below. 

Let us know if there is topic you’d be interested in supporting with by completing our Expression of Interest Form, and check what is already open for bookings on our Fairs & Flagship Events page.

Fairs and Flagship Events

Expression of  Interest Form

Organise an online event

If you are holding an event for students at multiple universities and want our students to be able to find out about it, you can list it free of charge on our vacancy and events portal, MyCareerHub. If you are planning an online event specifically for our students we can provide you with advice on how to do this and discuss suitable dates.

Advertise your event on MyCareerHub.

We, like most other UK university careers services, have seen a substantial increase in the number of online events we are advertising to our students. There have also been UK-wide reports of student engagement with online events starting to fall.  Whilst we still want to support you with your online events, we think it is important we all understand the changing context we are working in. Simply listing your event with us on MyCareerHub may not have the impact you would like so we do strongly encourage you to read about our advice below, information on our other services, or reach out to us directly for advice on what you can do to increase the chances of your event appealing to our students.

Please see our Online Event Tips for guidance on planning your event, and making it appeal to our students:


You can also add a relevant hashtag to help students find your event on MyCareerHub.  We encourage students to search #EdTechDataCareers for content related to Careers in Tech & Data, #EdCareersforSocialGood for content related to public sector or third sector careers with social impact, #EdSustainabiltyCareers for content related to Sustainability & Careers, #EdInclusiveCareers for content related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and #EdCreativeCareers for content related to Creative & Cultural Careers.   

Connect on Social

In addition to promoting your opportunities and events through the channels outlined above, we are also keen to share messages on our social media Channels.  Follow @uofedcareers on Instagram, LinkedIn, X and Facebook. How can we promote your content on social media?

  • We will be picking a selection of  events to feature in our 'Events Spotlight' post on our social media channels.  As long as your event is being advertised on MyCareerHub you will be eligible, but we can’t guarantee inclusion.
  • We pick a job of the day to promote on Twitter, and a job of the week on Facebook. These are always roles currently being advertised on MyCareerHub. If you have added a role to MyCareerHub you can nominate yourself for Twitter job of the day or Facebook job of the week but please note that as the number of roles we advertise hugely outweighs the days/weeks in the year, meaning we cannot guarantee inclusion.

Contact employers@ed.ac.uk

Write a guest blog

Give students and graduates some insight into your sector or job role by writing a guest blog piece for our Inform.ed blog describing what it is really like. Get an alum from University of Edinburgh or recent graduate to help write it and give their take on top tips for their peers on getting into the role or industry. We look for 500-700 words and some of the questions you could consider covering are:

  • What is your background? (education/career journey)
  • What does your job look like on a day-to-day basis? What skills do you feel you use from your time at university in your current role (e.g. soft skills, experience from societies etc) and/or how has your degree helped you in your career path?
  • What would you say are the key priorities for your sector right now? What opportunities (roles and skills) do you have across your organisation?
  • What would be your top tips for students and graduates wanting to get a job in your sector?

For more information and to register your interest:

View our Inform.Ed blog

Contact employers@ed.ac.uk

Ask your University of Edinburgh Alumni to engage on Platform One

Peer to peer interactions are always more powerful. Platform One is an online space where the University of Edinburgh community can connect and benefit from sharing knowledge, insight and experience. It’s where staff, students and alumni can share, interact and advise one another, and as a recruiter it can be useful for you to encourage any Edinburgh Alumni in the business to register on the platform. It gives students another way to interact with company reps on a more personal level. It can also be a good way to demonstrate your commitment to diversity and inclusivity by making sure University of Edinburgh alumni who self-identify in any groups important to your organisation are visible.

Go to Platform One