Careers Consultants work closely with academic schools and are able to advise on how best to reach out to students on a discipline level. The University has 21 academic ‘Schools’, organised under 3 Colleges:Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesMedicine and Veterinary MedicineScience and EngineeringThe Careers Service works closely with students and staff in each School, primarily via our team of Careers Consultants. This allows us to develop an intimate knowledge of the subjects students study, the skills and attributes they develop as a result and how these translate into life after graduation. If you are interested in recruiting students from a particular School, then speak to Careers Staff about how to tailor your approach, where appropriate. In many cases, thanks to the broad-based education students benefit from at the University, there will be a variety of courses of interest to you. There may be opportunities to support students’ development. Students welcome input from employers and alumni via guest lectures and blogs. They also value ‘deeper’ learning experiences, such as business competitions, problem-solving workshops and case studies, based on real-world examples. Some Schools welcome external input to their School Advisory Boards and design of the curriculum.View the full list of our Colleges and Schools Related linksWhy recruit our students?Build your profile Advertise your opportunities This article was published on 2024-05-14