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Applying for a job or course? Here’s what to consider before you start

Applying for a job or course? Here’s what to consider before you start

It takes some time and effort to “make it happen” so use your time effectively and think about the questions on this checklist first.   

  • Have you thought about  your options?

  • Have you got something meaningful to say about why you want to work with this organisation or study with this institution? 

  • Do you know what they look for in candidates or applicants? 

If you can’t answer yes to these questions you might be limiting your options, and your applications won’t be as effective as they could be. Get a better sense of the possibilities, including your options with your degree, and find out more about the type of job or employer. 

Discover what’s out there 

  • Do you really want this job/course? 

  • Do you have a clear sense of why you think it’s right for you? 

  • Do you know what you could offer?  

Having a good sense of self-awareness helps you choose options that are right for you, appreciate what you could offer and make much stronger applications as a result.  

Understand yourself 

  • Do you need to try things out before you can decide on your next steps? 

  • When you were researching the job did you realise you lack some experience? 

Build experience

  • Are you nervous about employer expectations or moving into a new environment? 

  • Are you feeling “imposter syndrome”? It’s more common than you think.  

Become professional 

  • Are you trying to decide between different options and getting a bit “stuck”? 

Make decisions 

  • Do you need to know more about how graduate employers recruit? 

Understand the recruitment process 

  • Are you ready to move on to job search and the application process? 

Write CVs and applications 

  • Don't know what you want to do? Our quick guide will help get you started thinking about your future, gives suggestions for things you can do to develop your ideas and tells you how the Careers Service can help you:

Careers Consultant Shelley Morgan presents this 11 minute guide for top tips on what to do when you don't know how to start thinking about your career.