What can I do on-campus?

From our Careers & Coffee service to multi-employer events, find out what your options are to have an on-campus presence.

List Your Organisation, Vacancies and Events on MyCareerHub 

We always recommend making sure your organisation and any vacancies and events you want students to know about are listed on MyCareerHub as a first step.  List Your Organisation, Vacancies and Events on MyCareerHub 

Pop Up on Campus

Careers & Coffee

Careers & Coffee gives you an excellent opportunity to pop up on campus and talk to students in person, informally about your organisation and any opportunities you have available.

We have two options of locations:

Cost: The cost of one stand is £200+VAT for 2 hours (12 - 2pm) or £400+VAT for 4 hours (11am - 3pm)

This charge includes:

  • 20 drinks vouchers for a 2 hour slot or 40 drinks vouchers for a 4 hour slot; which you can give to students to purchase a hot or cold drink
  • Targeted email to promote your visit on campus to up to 5 student groups.
  • MyCareerHub event listing to advertise to wider student population
  • Plasma Screen advertisement in Careers Service
  • Advertisement of on-campus visit on Social Media

If you wish to discuss being on campus for a longer period of time, please email employers@ed.ac.uk.


The space includes one table and two chairs. There is space for you to bring your own pull up banner (no more than 1 meter wide). We also provide a University of Edinburgh branded table cloth, if you wish to bring your own please do. We advise no more than 2 representatives from one organisation on the stand. 

If you are an SME and you would like to know more about our discounted prices please get in touch with employers@ed.ac.uk

Book Careers & Coffee.

Get involved with events we are running

Before you commit to running your own event, find out if we have an opportunity for you to get involved with one of our multi-employer Fairs or Flagship events.  These high profile events and wider campaigns shine a light on particular topics and sectors that are of interest to a wide range of our students and graduates.  We tend to offer a Discover Careers event in October followed by Careers in Sustainability in November, Careers in Tech & Data in February and Creative & Cultural Careers in March.  

We also have opportunities for organisations offering vocational opportunities to engage with students in our School of Engineering and School of Law. 

We also look for employers to support ad-hoc sessions we are running on a variety of other topics.  In the past this has included topics such as Careers in Life Sciences, Careers in Patent work, Careers in Consultancy and Practising Virtual Assessment Centres.  Whenever we have openings for support with upcoming sessions we list them below. 

Let us know if there is a topic you’d be interested in supporting with by completing our Expression of Interest Form, and check what is already open for bookings on our Fairs & Flagship Events page.

Read more about our Fairs and Flagship Events

Expression of Interest Form


Recruit Brand Ambassadors

Many employers recruit current students to help spread the word about them amongst their peers. Hiring brand ambassadors offers an effective way to have an on-campus presence  and benefit from peer-to-peer engagement. We can advertise these roles for you, and we offer advice on how to get the most out of your brand ambassadors. Please see our detailed Guidance below.


Other Spaces on Campus

Other spaces on campus

Our on-campus partners below would be happy to try and assist with booking large space on campus for your events. You are welcome to explore options with them directly but before confirming a booking we advise you to run your plans past us so that we can advise on timings and likelihood of your event attracting the students you are targeting.

Please consult the University Calendar when planning your event. Recommended times to hold an event:

When your event details are finalised, we would be happy to promote this event for you. Promote your event on MyCareerHub, our jobs and events portal.

You can also add a relevant hashtag to help students find your event on MyCareerHub; We encourage students to search #EdTechDataCareers for content related to Careers in Tech & Data, #EdCareersforSocialGood for content related to public sector or third sector careers with social impact, #EdSustainabiltyCareers for content related to Sustainability & Careers, #EdInclusiveCareers for content related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and #EdCreativeCareers for content related to Creative & Cultural Careers.