Our Flagship Events

This gives examples of some of the highlights of the Careers Service calendar.




Discover Careers is your opportunity to get started on all things jobs and employability. Drop in to discover over 100 recruiters and meet friendly Careers Service staff.

The Careers in Law Fair is your opportunity to meet Scottish, English and international law firms offering opportunities to work in law. This event is open to all students interested in a legal career - it doesn’t matter what you study or what stage you are at in planning your career. We want to support all students considering a career in law by highlighting the range of career paths and opportunities available in law to students from a range of backgrounds.

From 14-18 October we're having a focus on Careers for Social Good. We know that having a role where you feel you are giving back to your community, and making an impact on society is important to many of you. During our #EdCareersforSocialGood campaign, we’re shining a light on some of the options open to you.

The Careers in Engineering Fair is your chance to meet organisations offering internships, placements and graduate schemes in a variety of engineering sectors on campus.

During November 2024 we’re focusing on Careers in Sustainability. You will be able to search the #EdSustainabilityCareers on MyCareerHub and socials to find employers with vacancies and events on this theme as well as attend in person sessions and webinars with people working in sustainability.

Drop in to discover over 40 recruiters. Opportunities for all, no matter what you study- there’s more on offer than you might think!

Meet Employers in Life Sciences at Nucleus, Kings Buildings is open to students from all science disciplines and all year groups who are interested in a career in Life Sciences. 

Our Creative & Cultural Careers events are aimed at students of all levels, as well as recent graduates, from any subject who are interested in finding out more about working in the Creative Industries, Media or Cultural institutions. Through a range of different events, we aim to provide exposure to a range of sectors, industries, professions, crafts and skills. Whilst also giving you the chance to meet and hear from around 50 different organisations and freelancers, including University of Edinburgh Alumni, who want to speak to you!

View all events on MyCareerHub : https://www.hub.ed.ac.uk/students/events