Advice on combining part-time work with your research degree Working alongside your research degree is a great way to build experience if you take care to balance your commitments and don’t let your research suffer. Think about your own wellbeing, too, and don’t take on more than you can reasonably manage. Find something that furthers your goals (builds a skill, allows networking) but don’t be afraid to do something out of the box. You’ll never know what talents or interests you’ll discover as a result. Coree Brown1st year PhD Politics What is part-time work? For busy research students the lines between part-time employment, volunteering, and research activities are not always clear, and expectations of the PhD student experience, in particular, vary from institution to institution and country to country. It is important that you are aware of your rights and responsibilities as a PhD student here at the University of Edinburgh, and, if applicable, as an employee or volunteer within or outside the University. As a research student: The University expects you to conduct original research and submit your thesis on time. Your research work could reasonably involve fieldwork, conducting experiments, attending courses on research techniques, departmental committee work, attending or organising conferences and seminars, and writing presentations, posters and papers. The University does not expect you to undertake any other work unrelated to your research, such as teaching, administrative work or research support (however, see the exception below). Such activities can provide excellent experience and professional development and are therefore encouraged, but not required. It’s up to you to decide whether to pursue additional opportunities on an employment or volunteer basis. The only exception to this is some PhD studentships which have additional requirements, for example some limited outreach or teaching work as part of the funding conditions. In these cases, the hours and duties expected should be clearly stated in the terms and conditions of the award. You should be familiar with the University codes of practice for research students, supervisors and tutor and demonstrators, available here: Codes of practice As an employee: You have the right to a written statement of your terms and conditions within two months of your start date. The terms and conditions should include information on hours, remuneration, holiday entitlement, pensions, sick leave, notice period and a full job description. You should be provided with an appropriate induction, training and development activities, and be suitably remunerated. If you are an agency worker, or self-employed, read about your rights at work here: Your rights at work For employees of the University, the University’s Human Resources department maintains information on employment terms and conditions, pay and benefits, equality, immigration and pensions information, alongside training and development opportunities on their webpage. Human Resources If you have any questions about your employment, the Students’ Association Advice Place can provide advice. Advice Place Be honest with your employer about your PhD and discuss options with them for flexible working. It might not be possible but it’s worth having the conversation. Perhaps also start with a temporary position to see how well you are able to manage the competing demands of your PhD and part-time work and whether it works for you. 1st year PhD Politics Working hours The University will employ full-time postgraduate research students for no more than an average of 9 hours per week across the academic year (in line with its policy) and recommends that PGR students apply this limit to employment outside the University. PhD students should discuss any proposed employment within the University or with any other employer with their principal supervisor. If you are in receipt of any funding for your PhD or Research Masters, be sure to check what restrictions and conditions there are, if any, on the amount of part-time work you are allowed to do. Most funders allow some part-time work, particularly in areas relevant to the students’ research, and encourage a common sense approach to other paid work. Further information on the average 9 hours per week limit. International students UK immigration rules state international students in the UK on a Tier 4 or Student visa are normally entitled to work for a maximum of 20 hours in any given week during their studies, although as stated above the University will employ full-time PGRs for no more than an average of 9 hours per week across the academic year, and recommends that PGR students apply this limit to employment outside the University. Tier 4 visa holders cannot be self-employed; this means that, for example, you cannot tutor on a freelance basis. See the University’s advice for international students on working during their studies: International students working during studies Further support from the University IAD (The Institute for Academic Development) offers training, and advice on managing your time and maintaining a good work life balance as a PhD. IAD Courses This article was published on 2024-05-14