How we work with employers

Find out more about how we work with employers to support all students to make informed choices about their futures

We aim to inspire and empower every University of Edinburgh student to be the best they can be, to fully develop their potential and to achieve satisfying and rewarding futures. We do not define what those futures should be.  

We provide an impartial service, which allows and supports all students to make informed choices about their futures. As part of this, we facilitate access to employer partners and professional networks offering opportunities that comply with UK employment legislation (or minimum quality assurance standards for non-UK employers).

We have a dedicated team who help connect students with external organisations who reflect the diversity of our student body (currently approximately 45,000 students and around 500 degree programmes across 22 Schools).

As part of our employer engagement strategy, we prioritise engagement with sectors, organisations and individuals that have strong alignment with:

  • areas of student interest
  • academic and thematic priorities for the Institution
  • labour market areas of particular strength and growth, and
  • labour market areas where entry routes may be difficult to access. 

This means we target our proactive outreach towards certain sectors and occupational areas, and also provide additional support for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs).

This is reflected in the themes for our key campaigns and flagship events, which showcase and provide advice and insights into sectors, including Sustainability, Tech & Data, Creative and Cultural etc

Find out more about our key campaigns and flagship events here

Find out more about our commitment to supporting equality, diversity and inclusion here

We seek and welcome feedback from students about their areas of interest, or on their experience working with specific employers: