Find Work in China

Advice on how to find work in China and practicalities to consider.


Where to look for opportunities? 

  • MyCareerHub advertises jobs and internships in China. Filter results by using the location function:

        MyCareerHub Opportunities

  • GoinGlobal covers over 50 countries including China. We subscribe so you don’t need to set up your own account. For each country, it includes: 
    •  employment guides, 
    •  links to major job sites,  
    • jobs and internship listings
    • Sample CVs and cover letters 
    • Background information, for example about the cost of living.  

        GoinGlobal (University of Edinburgh login required)

  • Prospects “Work in China” guide contains in depth information on how to get a job in China, job vacancy sources, internships and visas. It also provides advice on what it’s like to work in China:

       Prospects - Work in China

  • GradLink China is a free careers website aimed at UK-educated Chinese students and graduates, although it can be used by anyone interested in working in China. Search for graduate opportunities: 

       GradLink China 

What are the practicalities to consider? 

  • Do your research before signing up to anything.  
  • Check the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office travel advice before booking travel:

       GOV.UK - Foreign travel advice

  • Familiarise yourself with any visa requirements and contact the relevant Chinese embassy for further advice: 

       Chinese embassy 

  • Get involved with the China Futures Society at the University of Edinburgh. It brings students interested on China-related careers together through presentations and networking opportunities: 

       Facebook - China Futures Society

  • Make connections through the British Council Alumni UK Network which supports China’s UK alumni. Register for free to gain access to networking events: 

       British Council - Alumni UK

  • The University of Edinburgh Alumni LinkedIn group gives you access to over 20,000 members of the community. Explore careers, progression routes, and make connections.  



These resources provide information and advice for those seeking graduate level jobs in China.

Here you will find information on the job application process in China along with a break down of the different types of companies.

Below you find information on the different steps of job applications and the differences between the UK and China in these.