Employ.Ed on Campus

On-campus internships for undergraduates in 2nd, 3rd and penultimate years


We work in collaboration with a range of University of Edinburgh departments to offer a structured summer internship programme called Employ.ed on Campus.

This programme is for 2nd, 3rd and penultimate year undergraduate students of any School.   

Why should you apply?  

You will:  

  • gain paid work experience at the University  

  • take part in activities designed to offer you structure and support, including an induction day, interim event and end of internship event  

  • complete an Edinburgh Award where you will enhance your employability, develop your self-awareness by reflecting on your progress, and learn how to articulate your experience to future employers  

Read about Employ.ed Interns experiences of the programme here: Employ.ed blogs and news from across the University | The University of Edinburgh

How to apply  

Internships for the 2024 Employ.ed on Campus programme are now closed.

Applications for the 2025 Employ.ed on Campus programme will open in February 2025. 

You will be required to upload a CV and cover letter for each internship you apply for. We recommend you apply to no more than 3. Focusing on a maximum of 3 roles will allow for a more focused and targeted approach, enabling you to dedicate more time and effort to each application.

Interviews will be held in April 2025 with the host departments, and internships will start at the beginning of June. 

When you are applying for an Employ.ed on Campus internship, you will be required to add your National Insurance Number (NI number) to the application. All staff employed in the UK, whether UK, European or International citizens, need a NI number. If you don’t have a NI number, then you will need to apply for one. Further information on how to apply for one can be found here:

National Insurance Number


The programme is for 2nd, 3rd and penultimate year undergraduate students of any School based in the UK. If you have done an Employ.ed on Campus internship before you are not eligible to apply again.  

If you are studying on a distance learning course, or  visiting the University on an exchange programme, you are not eligible to apply.   


Email any questions to the team at employ.ed@ed.ac.uk.  

Support with your application and interview